Saturday, November 15, 2014

Younique Lashes TV Review

Get this amazing mascara here! Younique is an absolutely amazing product! There have been so many positive reviews on how it works and I just love showing off the tv shows that prove it :) It is no wonder it is the hottest selling direct marketing makeup product around. There is no competition!

Green Nail Polish from Pigments

Today I needed some green nail polish because it is my son's Rose Bowl football game and those are the chosen colors. So, I made a special green color from my Younique pigments and clear nail polish. It's really pretty and I love making the polish like this. Some people think it's really expensive to do, but since I get most of my makeup either free or discounted now it really isn't. I could either buy 100 nail polish colors I would never wear or use the mineral pigments I already have. Hmmm... let me think.

I've got new people coming in this month, too. We're going to set this company on fire! Yes, figuratively! LOL I was moving too slow at first, mostly due to unavoidable issues, but I stopped making excuses for myself. I'm friending and inviting so many people per day now. It IS going to happen. To some it seems like everyone and her mother has done or has heard of this, but it isn't true. There are many ladies out there who haven't even seen the lashes yet. I mean think of this, Amway is a company that has been around forever and they are still churning out millionaires. Some people think it becomes saturated, but it doesn't. It's just a numbers game. People quit, people buy, people signup, people are born--see, the possibilities are endless. Don't ever think you can't do it for once you buy that mindset, you won't do it! There are those who will and those who won't. So what!?!? Just keep moving!

I've got that big game today. Hopefully the stands will be packed. I WISH I had a shirt that said "Ask me about my lashes" but I guess I will buy one in the school colors for next year's games because I will STILL be in business and by this time next year I plan to be at either the Green or Black status. Follow me and you will see.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Black Friday and Christmas Makeup Deals!


Are you a member of my exclusive group where I announce my Black Friday and Christmas deals as well as other specials throughout the year? Join my facebook group here.

In this group we talk about makeup, specials, applying makeup, and all kinds of girly fun :) Best of all, we talk about the magic mascara that women LOVE!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Christmas Party and Winter Fashion

Choosing a Christmas dress is sometimes difficult because I like to find dresses that will wear with other clothes during the year unless I have a party where I must have the best dress ever. When it is just more of a casual event, I like to get dresses that will go with other jackets, scarves, etc for other events. This is a great video on how to mix and match different clothes to make that perfect Christmas dress wearable for other occasions. Of course, I'm sure they always look lovely with my Younique mascara and makeup! Everything does!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Get Zig Ziglar's Last Book FREE

Just one more note for today, it's Zig Ziglar's 88th birthday and he's celebrating by giving away his last book. I've attached the Kindle link below. I do believe this incredible book is only available at no cost only today, November 6, 2014.

Is It Possible to Make Money Taking Selfies???

Making Money Taking Selfies!

Is it possible to make money while taking selfies? YES! I do it all the time :) I love making money while showing off my makeup. Ladies LOVE our mascara and makeup so much that when they see the selfies of the long, gorgeous lashes and beautiful makeup they buy the products.

I take pictures of the different looks I can do or when new products come out I show people what they're like. I love it! When people buy from my parties I can get my products at a discount and then I'm able to show them off even more! It's a win-win for everyone :)

Better yet, I can tell other women like you how to do the same and you can make money playing with makeup and taking selfies. How cool is that!?!? And how often do we get paid? HOURLY. I used to say daily, but online socials, when orders are placed online, the commissions come in every 4 hours and sometimes we get orders all day long. It's pretty amazing!

Contact me and find out more about this taking selfies and making money business. It's the funnest biz I've had yet. It's perfect for both women who work outside of the home and those who want a want a home business or wahms. I even know men who are very successful at selling these products to women because women love the lashes! The men just show selfies the women take for them. It's AMAZING!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I'm Happy With My Younique Biz Thanks!

I get a lot of questions from people if I want to join their business and honestly, I can't imagine doing anything else but Younique now. I'm love the products and the people. I'm at Pink status right now, but I can just imagine being a Black-status presenter and watching my group grow.

I like having a product that people order every month. Like most mascara, ours should be replaced every 90 days. I do find that people order lots of different products through my site and always come back for their lashes between 60 to 90 days.  This is why I prefer makeup products over weight loss or other gimmicky products because eventually once the weight is lost then the person no longer orders the product. With makeup you're sure to have customers come back every single month!

Fastest Growing Direct Sales Company in the World

Younique is now the fastest growing direct sales company, why haven't you started your business yet? Do it today at

Monday, November 3, 2014

My Lovely Lashes!

It's no wonder that I absolutely, positively LOVE my mascara and so do all the ladies in my network and the ladies who buy it from me. Just look at it! I have old lady eyes where both weight loss and genes give me that flap over my eyelid. I can't think of what it's called right now, but it's real annoying. As you can see, my normal mascara doesn't really push my eyelashes over this little annoying skin, but the Younique 3D Fiber Lash mascara does! I LOVE IT!

I rarely put on normal mascara these days, but as you know our mascara is natural and made with collagen and green tea fibers whereas the other mascara has whatever chemicals they can probably throw into it to make it cheap. LOL My normal mascara eye is itchy and a bit irritated right now. My 3D Fiber Lash eye feels awesome. In fact, when I run my finger across the normal mascara it feels icky and gooey whereas the 3D mascara feels amazingly soft.

You can't beat this stuff. I am proud to sell it and the other products that go with it.

I Love Getting Paid Hourly

Yes, I said HOURLY. I used to say daily, but when I do parties online it can be hourly and that is without selling any on hand stock. I do carry onhand stock because I have people in Livermore who don't want to wait for their mascara, but I'd still be in business even if I didn't carry the 3D Fiber Lashes on hand.

Every time someone orders from my online website I get commissions within 4 hours and during parties that can be one after the other which is almost hourly. I love getting those emails! cha'ching more money here it comes. It feels great! I don't have to wait 2 weeks to a month like most companies for my commissions. Then, at the beginning of the next month, I make even more money with the company royalties from my downline. It's an extra added bonus and why I love both sales AND network marketing in my makeup business.

One guy in our group sold $10,000 in two months WOW! I thought it was great he was at $3K in one month for a newbie, but then he made it to 10K in 2 months. I bet most of those people reorder, too. How cool is that?

If you want to know how I get paid hourly, then check out our comp plan.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween from Your Livermore Younique Presenter :)

I love Halloween, and I especially LOVE Younique on Halloween. I'm planning on dressing up as Elvira tonight, although it is raining and I'm not sure how well that would go over in the rain! I'll probably stay home and watch scary movies with the kids. My son has a HUGE championship football game tomorrow for his league so we won't be going out and eating all the candy we can this year. Bummer :)

I think on my eyes I'll use the Moodstruck Mineral Pigments Feisty and Devious for my eyeshadow and blush and some Perfect for my liner. Then on my lips I will need to use some of my pigment blusher because I need to reorder some Primal. I'll of course use my lashes because they're so gorgeous with the Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes. Oh, and I will dust my hair with some Feisty to add some gray then I'll use Glorious to help make my hair stand up with the blow dryer. Oooh fun! I'll try to take a picture although I'm not a makeup artist so don't giggle when you see me XD

What I wanted to tell you is that I'm so excited to be gearing up for November. They won't tell us what the customer kudos are for November and I'm really excited. Last year it was something cool. I'm hoping that at some point we are offered a makeup bag because I don't have one that will fit in my purse for Younique yet. This one sounds like it might be jewelry or perfume. I really have NO clue, but I can't wait to find out!

I have 3 new people signing up in the next few days and I'm rather excited. I didn't realize the business would take off like this and now I'm just a bit nervous. LOL! I don't know why. I think it's just excitement!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

This Limited Edition Moisturizer is Ending Soon!


Brilliant, the now Limited Edition moisturizer, will no longer be available after this Friday, October 31, 2014. From now until the end of October or until supplies last, whichever comes first, Brilliant will be available at You can also pick it up as a discount in one of the Younique collections. If you order the skin care collection that carries the Glorious skin care primer then you will be able to receive a customer kudos of $5.00 in Younique cash to be used on your next order AND save your shipping costs on orders of $100 or more.

This amazing deal will disappear on November 1, 2014 so act now before it's too late!


Brilliant has been known by Younique customers to help with

Dark spots and circles
Fine lines
Stretch marks
Athletes foot

Individual results may vary. These are statements made by distributors and not a study done by medical personnel.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

What Kind of Makeup are You Using for Halloween?

It's almost Halloween! Are you ready for trick-or-treating? I love going out and making my face all creepy and fun when I'm out getting candy with the kids. This year I'm probably going to go as a vampire or something creepy and I know that I can use all of the gorgeous Younique pigments and the Glorious primer to paint my face nice and white for a vampire face with gray sunken eyes, lots of red loose powder and Glorious for juicy, bloody lips plus black for the very inside of the mouth. I'll use silver and black for my eyes and eye liner and of course top it off with the gorgeous 3D Fiber lashes for the longest lashes EVER!

Using the glorious primer as a base for all of the pigments can really work out great. I'm also going to be putting silver streaks in my hair to top off the look. It will be pretty amazing and I'll try to remember to put a picture up. :)

What are you going to be for Halloween?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Pumpkin Spice Eyeshadow

Everyone is doing it, so I couldn't resist. Pumpkin spice this, pumpkin that spice. I have pumpkin spice eyeshadow. Yes, I fall into this every year because I do love pumpkins and I love cinnamon, clove, etc. so it is only natural to love pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin spice cake, pumpkin spice brownies, pumpkin spiced cookies, etc. Why not make a pumpkin spice eye shadow?

My cam isn't the greatest, but I have on giddy, gorgeous, and confident. I have to balance with some fall gold and green or I will look really 70s silly. Orange isn't my color, but it looks good with the other colors :)